Healing MS Fall/Winter 2021

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Healing MS

The IMSMP Newsletter to address the needs of our patients and keep you informed of the latest research treatments and ways to heal

Research Priorities at Tisch MSRCNY

F. Murray Abraham Speaks with Dr. Sadiq
To Our Patients, Friends & Family Members, As 2021 comes to a close, I would like to first thank you for supporting the ongoing research at Tisch MSRCNY. You have enabled our investigations into the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis to proceed and allowed our cutting-edge stem cell clinical trial to forge ahead. Yet, one question still remains when speaking with my patients and their loved ones, "When will we have a cure?” Each day, Tisch MSRCNY Principal Investigators enter the lab, invigorated by our patients and their courage, strength, and trust in our work. Inspired by your confidence and guided by our mission, I firmly believe that our untiring efforts are destined to be successful.   By providing our researchers with critical funding, they can tackle the pressing research questions surrounding multiple sclerosis and continue their investigations into the cause of MS. Please consider making a special year-end donation to one of our areas of research. Ultimately, your contribution today takes us one step closer to our number one priority, a Future Without MS.   On behalf of the entire Tisch MSRCNY team, we wish you and your family a healthy and joyous holiday season and a very happy 2022. Warmest Regards,

Saud A. Sadiq, MD, FAAN
Director and Chief Research Scientist
Tisch MS Research Center News
Check Out Our Latest Principal Investigator Video:
Understanding Disease Progression and Identifying the Therapeutic Targets of Primary Progressive MS (PPMS) with Dr. Jamie Wong

Naturopathic News

The Doctor's Blog
Department of Rehabilitation News

Maximizing One’s Physical Potential Through a Collaboration of
Physical Therapy (PT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) services

For patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), challenges with daily functions are a common issue for some and concern for others. In a well-rounded management program for MS, treatment for challenges with ambulatory activities, or preparing for and performing activities of daily living (ADLs), requires more than taking the appropriate medicines. Performing daily physical and wellness exercises is a key strategy for maximizing safe and independent functioning.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of PT and OT!

Social Work News
We recently sat down with the IMSMP's newest social worker, Sara Endy, to ask her a few questions about her time at the Center. Sara joined the IMSMP team as an administrator in 2016 and transitioned into the Social Work Department after receiving her Master of Social Work degree and licensure in May 2021. 

Why social work?  

I always saw a future in social work for myself because I love helping people and making connections with others. After a short time at the IMSMP, I fell in love with our patients and the Center and realized that a career here as a social worker would be a dream. Yadira LaMazza and other former IMSMP social workers encouraged me to pursue that dream and helped guide me through the process of getting my MSW. I couldn’t have asked for a better support system! 

You have been here five years.  How has your experience at the front desk helped you in your new role? 

 Aside from already being familiar with the electronic medical records (EMR) technology, my experience at the front desk helped tremendously for me to know our patients and to have already established relationships with them. It was also helpful to have so much knowledge about MS because I was better equipped to understand not only what my new role was, but why. Learning about multiple sclerosis throughout my five years at the IMSMP has helped ease my transition into the social work department. 

What do you enjoy most about working at the Center/what makes it special? 

Our patients and my coworkers are what make my job special. My colleagues are kind, supportive, and compassionate. Our patients are always teaching me something new and it’s encouraging to see how they support and care for one another. Being able to collaborate with like-minded individuals for the purpose of helping our patients is what I enjoy most about my role as a social worker at the IMSMP. 

Development Department News
Team Tisch MS (TTMS) News
They did it! Congratulations to all of our team members for crossing the finish line at the TCS New York City Marathon on Sunday, November 7, 2021. We thank them not only for representing TTMS on the course, but for also raising critical funds to support Tisch MSRCNY research. 

Team Tisch MS Marathon Runners
Craig and Diane Barbieri
Kelly Garvey Sachter
Kyle Tessiero
Danielle Small
Josh Coughlin
Email us at: TTMS@TischMS.org
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