Rehabilitation Can Help Increase Your Independence With MS
At the IMSMP, traditional rehabilitation by licensed physical and occupational therapists are provided. Our rehabilitation services include examinations to assess and treatments to address impairments related to the musculoskeletal and neurologic systems, as well as cardiovascular and integument (skin) problems that may hinder a person's ability to be active and independent.

Focused Neurologic Rehabilitation & Wellness Services
At the IMSMP, the primary rehabilitation services include an initial examination to determine current impairments which affect one's ability to function independently. Whereas each person has different functional needs and desires, treatments are prescribed to most effectively and safely maximize one's function. One-on-one, individualized treatment sessions including therapeutic exercises (strengthening and stretching), balance training, gait training, posture re-education, and other individualized neuromuscular re-education procedures are provided. Neuromuscular re-education, the cornerstone to quality neurologic rehabilitation, is an intervention in which a physical therapist or occupational therapist will train a person to move efficiently using available muscles in the most optimal sequence. As part of neuromuscular re-education, fall prevention strategies and fall recovery techniques are incorporated when necessary or upon request from the patient or the family. Standing exercises for patients who are non-ambulatory is a unique therapy service offered which can help to increase mobility, decrease pain, decrease spasticity, and help manage swelling.
The state-of-the-art Vector bodyweight support system is now available for high-level gait and balance training. The vector system offers patients to walk in a safe, supportive environment under 1:1 supervision of a licensed physical or occupational therapist.
Occupational Therapy Services
Our Department of Rehabilitation Services welcomed an occupational therapist in 2019 in anticipation of the Wellness Center opening this year. Along with our two physical therapists, the addition of occupational therapy services puts the IMSMP at the level of all major rehabilitation departments who treat people with multiple sclerosis. In addition, the staff will include a wellness specialist and wellness consultants such as massage therapists, acupuncture, and PT subspecialists. There will be an expansion of the current wellness offerings at the IMSMP. In addition to an exercise class, there will be many group activities to enhance one's physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being. One-on-one personal training services will allow patients of all mobility levels to work toward strength and fitness goals that are beyond a traditional physical therapy program. Amongst the many unique services to be offered by the Department of Rehabilitation Services, are those offered in the new ADL (Activities of Daily Living) training spaces and balance room. The ADL training spaces offer patients and their caregivers the ability to learn to move and transfer safely within a kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom environment. The Wellness Center at the IMSMP will be a place for all patients with multiple sclerosis to improve their physical and emotional health. With our dedicated staff and new resources, we look forward to welcoming IMSMP patients later this year to experience a new way to take control of their MS.
Supplementary Rehabilitation Department Services
Aside from traditional physical therapy services, the clinicians in the Rehabilitation Department can assess each patient's needs for assistive devices such as canes and walkers, as well as needs for power mobility seating and wheeled mobility screenings. Patients who need a new cane or walker can be issued the product, trained in its use, and be able to go home with it without delay. This expedited equipment service allows each patient to progress toward independence in the most efficient and safe manner. For family members of patients at the IMSMP, the rehabilitation team offers transfer training and safe patient handling education. This exclusive service allows family members to be more confident in their ability to help the patient in transferring within the home or in the community (e.g. car transfers). By helping family members learn how to transfer the patient, it decreases the risk of injury to both the patient and family member. Foot drop and assisted device trials are available as part of a physical therapy gait examination or treatment session. Functional electric stimulation trial clinics are scheduled regularly at the IMSMP for patients who may benefit from these devices.

Seating and Wheeled Mobility Screening
Patients who can benefit from the use of a wheelchair are encouraged to be evaluated by an IMSMP physical or occupational therapist. In addition to a clinical evaluation, patients are assessed to determine appropriate options of wheelchairs, posture supports, and cushions that can improve one’s physical health and independence. Review of the process for ordering wheeled mobility devices and referrals that are necessary will be included as part of this service. Seating screenings are essential for anyone who has any wheeled mobility or is planning on ordering a new wheelchair or scooter in the future.
Consulting Services
For patients who plan on modifying their home living environments, Stephen Kanter, PT, DPT is available to consult on design plans. With his knowledge of, "Universal Design" philosophies and the ADA guidelines, Dr. Kanter can help to ensure the home modifications can maximize the potential for independence.

A Collaborative Effort
For patients who are working with their local physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech-language pathologists, or other physical wellness professionals, the IMSMP clinicians welcome collaboration and offer consultation. This service can promote continuity of care to ensure the best available rehabilitation interventions are being provided and rehabilitation goals to maximize function are being met. Any physical rehabilitation and wellness professional is welcome to contact an IMSMP clinician to discuss effective interventions for people with MS and strategies for home exercise program compliance.