Pictured above: Andrea Arzt, Director, Healthcare Provider Engagement, National MS Society presents a certificate to IMSMP neurologists Dr. Saud A. Sadiq, Dr. James Stark and Dr. Armistead Williams
International Multiple Sclerosis Management Practice Recognized as a Center for Comprehensive MS Care by the National MS Society
A prestigious recognition, the National MS Society awards this title to a handful of healthcare providers each year
New York, NY - November 23, 2020 - The International Multiple Sclerosis Management Practice, a leading provider of care for people living with multiple sclerosis has been distinguished as a Center for Comprehensive MS Care through the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Partners in MS Care program, which recognizes and supports providers that exemplify an exceptional commitment to high-quality MS care. Located in New York, NY, the International Multiple Sclerosis Management Practice’s clinicians continually demonstrate a wealth of knowledge, experience, and the important attention to detail necessary in treating people living with MS.
MS is an unpredictable, often disabling disease of the central nervous system that interrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body. Symptoms range from numbness and tingling to blindness and paralysis, and no two individuals will experience the disease in the same way. Due to the complexity of the disease, patients with MS are often a medically underserved community, and finding healthcare providers able to treat their disease can be difficult. To help combat this, the National MS Society created its Partners in MS Care program to call attention to committed providers, like the International Multiple Sclerosis Management Practice, that continually offers services in alignment with the Society’s initiative of affordable access to high-quality MS healthcare for everyone living with the disease – regardless of geography, disease progression, and other disparities. A Comprehensive MS Care Center distinction is appointed by a local and national committee, and the organization must demonstrate a coordinated, multi-disciplinary care for MS.
A Note From the Nurses
As the coronavirus pandemic presses on and cases spike around the country, we continue to urge our patients to keep themselves and their families safe by limiting indoor gatherings and minimizing any unnecessary travel, particularly by public transportation and air flight. Continue to practice good preventative technique by wearing masks when appropriate, and being mindful to frequently wash your hands and social distance.
We’ve heard from many of you over the last several months, and have done our best to address your individual concerns with regards to Covid-19. A common theme we have all felt from the pandemic is the weight that necessary public health restrictions have had on our mental and emotional health. We are social beings by nature, and the psychological impact on having limitations for when and how we can interact with our friends and loved ones cannot be underestimated.
That being said, it is important to remain diligent, especially as we head into the holiday season. We should continue to follow the recommendations put forth by the CDC, as these measures have proven effective at controlling the virus, exemplified by low incident rates in states and cities that have had a prompt and unified response. As we continue our work to stay safe and virus-free, what can we do to support our emotional and mental well-being?
A Reminder from the IMSMP
With the year coming to an end and the new year approaching, insurance plans and policies may change. If you have a change in your insurance or policies please notify the center. You can provide the administrative staff with a copy of your new insurance card (front and back). If you receive a notice from your insurance plan or pharmacy in regards to prescription coverage changes, please notify the nurses, by leaving a message on the prescription line. |
Tend and Befriend: Wellness Strategies to Persevere through the Winter of 2020.
Anyone out there experiencing a strange and stressful year? The prototypical human reaction to stress is the fight or flight response, a cascade of changes that happen in our bodies to give us the best chance of survival when short term stressors pose a threat to our wellbeing. A fight or flight response is perfectly appropriate for short term stress or immediate threats, but takes a toll on our bodies and our immune systems when the stressors are prolonged. For people living with autoimmune diseases, severe or chronic stress can be contributing factors, making the person’s disease symptoms worse, or in the case of MS, sometimes instigating a relapse.
An alternative behavior to survive stress is the tend and befriend response. This is about nurturing and caretaking our loved ones and ourselves, and creating supportive communities to ensure our survival during challenging times.
Occupational Therapy and Cognitive Dysfunction
Cognition dysfunction can be a prominent issue in a number of patients with multiple sclerosis. It can affect people in many ways throughout their daily lives. Common areas of cognitive dysfunction for people with MS include slower processing speeds, decreased ability to multitask, decreased memory, lower attention span, difficulty planning out tasks, and word-finding difficulty. All of these can affect one’s safety and independence as well as make it challenging for families to help care for their loved ones. Taking action to address cognitive dysfunction is an important way for patients and caregivers to help decrease the effects of MS.
Making Meaning
By Deborah Eiseman
I have had secondary progressive multiple sclerosis for about thirty years. Recently, a good friend of mine was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. He is a psychiatrist and asked me how I cope with a chronic illness. The first thing I said was to join a support group. It makes it easier for me to have other people who understand and are coping with similar challenges.
Pictured above: Special guests of past Future Without MS galas including Senator Chuck Schumer with Dr. Sadiq and Chairman Emeritus, Lee Seidler, Meredith Vieira and Richard Cohen, Amy Schumer |
It has been a year like no other.
For more than a decade we have come together on one special evening to illustrate the remarkable strides and gains we have made in MS research. The gala is the single largest fundraiser for the Tisch MS Research Center of New York garnering over $2.5 million in donations each year. However, this year after much consideration, the decision to postpone was made. The safety and well-being of our guests including patients, family, and friends will always take precedence.
We are so grateful to our donors, who despite the lack of an in-person event this year, continued to support our ground-breaking research efforts.
Noel & Edward Foley
Barrie Gillies & William Drummy, Jr.
Hillary Mandel & David Greenstein
Musa & Tom Mayer
Gaye & James Pigott
Rizwana & Saud A. Sadiq
Town Fair Tire Foundation
Alla & Philip Weisberg
Bernadette & James Mariani
Kim Charlton & Stephen Meringoff
Bonnie & Cliff Eisler
Gene & Lee Seidler
Enke Bashllari & Alec Hanson
Carol & Arthur Maslow
Monika & Deven Parekh
Beverly & David Arsht
Margo & Roger Coleman
Lorraine & Frank DeCongelio
Tina Exarhos & Alfred Eberhardt
Barbara & Joseph Fratamico
Andi & David Goldberg
Sharon & Peter Green
Lynn & Paul Lattanzio
Stephen Meyers
Linda & Philip Peller
Jennifer & Andrew Peltz
Sharyl & Gregg Reisman
Elizabeth & Scott Rothstein
Greta Rubin Schwartz & Richard Schwartz
Susan & Stanley Trotman, Jr.
Sara Darehshori & Ron Rolfe
Margaret & Howard Goldberg
Sherrye Henry
Arleen Sorkin & Christopher Lloyd
Nancy Obler & Joe Kaufman
Catherine & Paul Shaffer
Barbara & Jeffrey Goldberg
Fran & Richard Hofstetter
Marilyn & Eliot Lauer
Mimi & Jason Lichtenstein
Jennifer & Andrew Marrus
Brad Olson & Thomas Murphy
Geri & Arnie Obler
Jeffrey Ostrager
* This list includes donors of $1,000 or more, received as of October 31st, 2020. We sincerely appreciate contributions at all levels as they make our research possible. |
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Support a Future Without MS? It's not too late!
Team Tisch MS Needs You!
Our community of Team Tisch MS racers felt the impact of COVID-19 as many events they spent months training for were canceled this year. As we pivot to virtual events and at-home challenges, TTMS needs your support.
JOIN Team Tisch MS today! Be a TTMS racer during your virtual races and customized events that YOU create! We need you to help us continue the work toward discovering the cause and to develop a cure for multiple sclerosis once and for all.
“Coronavirus will pass, but MS was there before and will be there after, and thus we continue to work relentlessly to accomplish our mission of a Future Without MS.”
- Dr. Saud A. Sadiq
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