

The IMSMP will be closed for the holiday beginning on Thursday, December 31st, and will reopen on Monday, January 4th at 9:00 AM. A neurologist is on-call and may be reached at (212) 265-8070 for any MS-related emergencies. We wish you and your family a happy and healthy New Year!


May peace, love, and unity bring a happy Kwanzaa to all those celebrating from your family at the IMSMP.


Merry Christmas from all of us at the IMSMP! Our office will be closed for the holiday beginning on Wednesday, December 23rd at 3:00pm and will reopen on Monday, December 28th at 9:00 AM. A neurologist is on-call and may be reached at (212) 265-8070 for any MS-related emergencies. Wishing a safe and happy holiday to all who are celebrating!


The IMSMP wishes all who are celebrating the festival of lights, a very happy and healthy Hanukkah! Chag Urim Sameach!


The National MS Society recently published recommendations on the appropriate use of autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (aHSCT) to treat MS. Their recommendations are:

- The best candidates for this procedure:

  • are less than 50 years of age
  • have had MS for 10 years or less
  • have relapsing MS and have had “breakthrough” disease activity (new inflammatory MS lesions and/or clinical relapses) despite treatment with a highly effective disease-... more

International Multiple Sclerosis Management Practice Recognized as a Center for Comprehensive MS Care by the National MS Society

A prestigious recognition, the National MS Society awards this title to a handful of healthcare providers each year


New York, NY - November 23, 2020 - The International Multiple Sclerosis Management Practice, a leading provider of care for people living with multiple sclerosis has been... more


The IMSMP has recently received many calls regarding progress in the development of vaccines for the novel coronavirus. Currently, data on the various vaccines is limited to what the pharmaceutical companies have released to the press. The data has not been peer-reviewed nor has been made public and, of course, there is no FDA-approved vaccine for COVID-19 at this time. We eagerly await more information regarding this extremely important topic, but we cannot make any specific recommendations... more


As the coronavirus pandemic presses on and cases spike around the country, we continue to urge our patients to keep themselves and their families safe by limiting indoor gatherings and minimizing any unnecessary travel, particularly by public transportation and air flight. Continue to practice good preventative technique by wearing masks when appropriate, and being mindful to frequently wash your hands and social distance. We’ve heard from many of you over the last several months, and have... more


The IMSMP would like to wish a Diwali that brings happiness, prosperity, and joy to all who are celebrating. Happy Diwali!



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