aHSCT Recommendations for Use

The National MS Society recently published recommendations on the appropriate use of autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (aHSCT) to treat MS. Their recommendations are:

- The best candidates for this procedure:

  • are less than 50 years of age
  • have had MS for 10 years or less
  • have relapsing MS and have had “breakthrough” disease activity (new inflammatory MS lesions and/or clinical relapses) despite treatment with a highly effective disease-modifying therapy

- That people with MS considering this procedure enlist in a clinical trial if available (In the U.S., a phase 3 clinical trial called BEAT-MS has begun)

- If not in connection with a clinical trial, individuals should have it performed by medical teams with experience with both aHSCT and MS

*It is important to note that aHSCT is a treatment to PREVENT worsening in patients with MS, but it is a different use of stem cells than our center’s Phase II trial, in which the goal of stem cells is to REPAIR the damage done from MS. Here is the link for the full article:


News Date : 
Wednesday, December 9, 2020 (All day)


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