

You're invited to visit the IMSMP's Virtual Expo Table at MS Hope for a Cure's FREE BiG October Event!

At our table, you will find information on How to Manage Your MS with a Holistic Approach. Our video features naturopathic doctor, Deneb Bates, presenting brain-healthy items to keep stocked in your kitchen along with a quick and easy recipe! We've also added Dr. Bates' slideshow on how to "Do... more


When preparing for their visit with physicians, patients should always bring a current medication list to review. Creating this list is an effective tool that enables nurses and doctors to ensure that your pharmacologic plan makes sense and is safe.

A durable medical equipment (DME) list is equally important. DME includes medical equipment used to help with mobility or positioning. For DME to be covered by most insurance carriers, it must be prescribed by a physician. In addition to a... more


Check out the latest issue of the IMSMP newsletter, Healing MS. Don't miss the video introducing the Judy Volk-Weiss Wellness Center, in addition to announcements from the nurses, our social work department and Team Tisch MS!



G'mar Chatimah Tova! The IMSMP would like to wish our Jewish patients, friends, and supporters an easy fast on this Yom Kippur.


The IMSMP wishes everyone celebrating Rosh Hashanah a meaningful and sweet new year. May it be filled with good health and happiness! L'Shanah Tovah!


In observance of Labor Day, the IMSMP will be closing at 1:00 PM on Friday, September 3rd and will reopen on Tuesday, September 7th at 9:00 AM. A neurologist is on-call and may be reached at (212) 265-8070 for any MS-related emergencies. We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday!


The IMSMP wishes patients, friends, and family observing, a blessed holiday. Eid Mubarak!


Warmer weather is here and many with MS experience heat sensitivity. Heat sensitivity can be caused by a rise in body temperature from exercise, staying outside in high humidity, or taking a hot bath or shower. This can exacerbate MS symptoms, which we call a pseudorelapse.

It is very important to remember that these potential symptoms caused by heat and humidity are not harmful and are also temporary. Symptoms related to heat sensitivity usually reverse once the source of heat is... more


In observance of Independence Day, the IMSMP will be closing at 1:30 PM on Friday, July 2nd, and will reopen on Tuesday, July 6th at 9 AM. A neurologist is on-call and may be reached at (212) 265-8070 for any MS-related emergencies. We wish everyone a safe, healthy, and happy holiday!




Because you deserve only the best in MS healthcare. Experience the difference.

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