

The IMSMP would like to thank everyone who attended the 2013 Tisch MS Research Center Patient Education Symposium.  This was the largest patient symposium ever held with almost 1,000 patients, family members and caregivers.  We appreciate the time, effort and energy everyone took to travel from far and near making this such a truly outstanding event!

The symposium began with a patient slideshow and video about IMSMP, the largest MS research and treatment center.  The video... more


Dr. Violaine Harris's and Dr. Saud Sadiq's research on fetuin-A as a CSF biomarker for active MS has been featured on the cover of this month’s issue of the Multiple Sclerosis Journal! This important biomarker discovery is based on spinal fluid measurement of Fetuin-A levels obtained over the course of several years of clinical and pathological studies of MS patients as well as experimental models of the disease.  Our findings are likely to change the process for making treatment decisions... more


The IMSMP has a new physical therapist.  Please help us welcome Dr. Elizabeth Woods, PT, DPT, MSCS to our practice.  For Dr. Woods complete bio, please go to our staff page:


Dr. Brenda Banwell spoke at Grand Rounds this week on the subject of pediatric multiple sclerosis. Dr. Banwell is the chief of pediatric neurology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia as well as the director of the pediatric multiple sclerosis clinic at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Pediatric MS is far less common than adult MS and behaves somewhat differently in several ways. Studying patients as early as possible in the disease course as well as their differences to adult... more


Today the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has approved the drug Alemtuzumab, trade name Lemtrada, and formerly known as Campath, for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. Alemtuzumab’s manufacturer is awaiting a decision from the FDA regarding approval in the United States. Alemtuzumab is a monoclonal antibody that has also been used in the treatment of various immune system cancers, like lymphoma and leukemia. Alemtuzumab appears to a powerful drug in the treatment of relapsing-remitting MS... more


Dr. Jonathan Vapnek provided Grand Rounds this week. Dr. Vapnek is a urologist with a focus on the urologic complications of neurologic diseases. He practices on the upper east side of Manhattan and at Mt. Sinai Hospital. During the lecture, he reviewed the approach and management of urologic symptoms in neurological conditions, and provided an interesting perspective on novel treatments and procedures.


The NYC Department of Transportation has changed the signage to the east of 521 West 57th Street to read “No Parking 8AM – 8PM including Sunday, Patient Drop-off and Pick-up.”  This means that press and other cars that currently park in that spot will no longer be authorized, and stopping will only be allowed for drop-off and pick-up of our patients.  This change comes from the lobbying efforts of Marcee Morris, the cousin of our patient Eric Siegel, to get the city to make a designated ... more


To the IMSMP Family and Supporters of the Tisch MS Research Center of New York,  It gives me great pride and joy to announce that the FDA has approved our Phase I clinical trial for the use of bone marrow-derived neural stem cells in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. This exciting development is the culmination of a decade long effort by the dedicated team of scientists at the Tisch MS Research Center of New York at a cost of several million dollars. In treating patients with MS,... more


Read about the latest discovery and advancement in MS research from the Tisch MS Laboratory.


One of our own neurologists, Dr. James Stark, spoke at Grand Rounds this morning. His talk focused on the clinical associations of CSF oligoclonal bands. The discussion ranged from diagnostic and prognostic issues to the immunologic implications as to the cause of MS. 



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