Update on Drop-offs at IMSMP

The NYC Department of Transportation has changed the signage to the east of 521 West 57th Street to read “No Parking 8AM – 8PM including Sunday, Patient Drop-off and Pick-up.”  This means that press and other cars that currently park in that spot will no longer be authorized, and stopping will only be allowed for drop-off and pick-up of our patients.  This change comes from the lobbying efforts of Marcee Morris, the cousin of our patient Eric Siegel, to get the city to make a designated patient drop-off spot in front of the International Multiple Sclerosis Management Pratice.  As part of Marcee’s efforts, Beth DiBiase, Director of Social Work, petitioned the Manhattan Borough of Transportation Commissioner’s office.  Read the full article on how Marcee and Beth made a difference in the next issue of Healing MS, the IMSMP newsletter.


News Date : 
Monday, August 26, 2013 - 19:57


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