Social Work for Multiple Sclerosis
Making a Difference
The Social Work Division is staffed by licensed social workers with years of MS expertise who are trained to assess and help each person in his or her own situation and environment.
The following services are provided to patients and their families:
Psychosocial Assessment
In-depth, individualized sessions with patients and families to assess problems in the home environment, relationships and coping, leading to collaboration with the interdisciplinary team on ameliorating those issues.
MS Support Groups
Our social workers specializing in MS, facilitate support groups of our patients in order to help them help each other cope with the diagnosis. Groups are formed around specific situations and topics, such as newly diagnosed, coping with disease progression, and others as suggested by our patients. Knowing each of our patients allows us the advantage of knowing every person in a group will be physically similar. You will be with people like you.

Supportive Counseling
The social work department offers short-term supportive counseling for patients and family members regarding MS issues. Referrals are made to outside services for assessment of depression, anxiety, relationship problems and other mental health issues that patients may be experiencing.
One-on-one meetings with our social work staff are offered for people who are no longer able to work. Assisting you in navigating the private, group and Social Security Disability application process.
General insurance-related questions answered.
Individualized explanation of Medicare, supplemental, and RX plans and assistance in choosing the right one for your needs and budget.
Entitlements Eligibility for MS
Information on government programs that may assist with income and health insurance. Referral to attorneys who specialize in the Medicaid process.
Counseling on what accommodations would help you keep your job, how to ask for accommodations, mediation between you and your employer, and your legal rights under the ADA.
Home Care for MS
Assessment and referral to agencies that provide physical and occupational therapy, home safety assessment, and home health aides.
Meal Delivery
Referrals to meal delivery programs for people who cannot shop or cook for themselves.
Transportation Services for People with MS
Assistance in applying for Access-a-Ride and arranging ambulette services.
Hospital Liaison
Information-sharing and collaboration with in-patient social work and medical team upon admission to the hospital to ensure seamless planning for optimal homecoming.
Family Meetings
The arrangement of meetings between patients, their families and the medical team to discuss and problem-solve seemingly intractable problems.
Letters & Disability Forms
Patients may request letters from the social work department regarding jury duty, work accommodations, legal issues and absence from school or employment due to MS-related reasons. Our social workers can also assist in completing disability forms for patients. Please allow 3-5 business days for all letters and forms to be completed. Requests must be made during the time of absence and letters will not be written retroactively.