Why Join a Caregiver Support Group?

Why should I join a support group? “I don’t like hearing other’s sob stories,” “I’m shy,” “I don’t like speaking in groups,” “I don’t have time.” Can you relate? I am sure every person who belongs to a support group had one or more of these thoughts before they took the plunge.

Caring for anyone with a chronic illness can be a loving, noble task but it is not easy physically or emotionally and, “nobody seems to really understand what it is like,” except someone else who is going through it.

The main purpose of a support group is for members to feel heard, understood and cared for. Members’ feedback validates emotional reactions — even through laughter, when frustrations or anecdotes strike a chord (laughter is a great tension reliever). Sharing useful information and advocating for one another helps caregivers to know they are not alone.

Please contact the Social Work department at (212) 265-8070, for more information about any of our support groups.




News Date : 
Friday, December 6, 2019 (All day)


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