Vitamin D and the Summer

A Tip From IMSMP Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Deneb Bates: Many patients have asked "Should I decrease the dose of my Vitamin D supplement during the summer months?"

Sunlight is the best natural source of vitamin D.  For those of us who live in northern climates, sunlight isn’t strong enough to provide adequate amounts of vitamin D for most months of the year—EXCEPT in the bright months of SUMMER! So now is your chance to get a dose of this nutrient naturally, by spending a little more time outside in the sunshine. Just 15-20 minutes of full sun exposure at the peak of the day (between 11am and 2 pm) can provide a substantial dose of vitamin D if your arms and legs are exposed to the sunshine without sunscreen. 


Unfortunately, sunshine  tends to come with heat and humidity, which many people with MS don’t tolerate well. Also, you never want so much sun exposure that your skin turns red.  If you have especially sensitive skin, this much sun exposure without sunscreen could be too much for you.


To answer the question, "Should I decrease the dose of my Vitamin D supplement during the summer months?"…It depends!


If you can tolerate the heat and sun exposure well enough to get regular doses of vitamin D from sunlight, this may be enough that you can lower or eliminate your vitamin D supplement in the summer months.  If you don’t tolerate heat or your skin burns easily, it’s probably best to avoid the heat and continue to get your vitamin D from supplements, even in the summertime. For those of you on a Vitamin D supplement, have your levels checked regularly. Because of the seasonal fluctuations of sun exposure, supplemental needs for vitamin D can vary throughout the year.


News Date : 
Monday, July 14, 2014 - 19:15


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