For Immediate Release:
MS Patients Take Steps without Cane as Damage is RepairedNew York, NY– April 15, 2016 – Dr. Saud A. Sadiq, Director and Chief Research Scientist at the Tisch MS Research Center of New York (Tisch MSRCNY)will be presenting on Tuesday, April 19, 2016, the extraordinary results from his FDA-approved stem cell clinical trial for MS at the American Academy of Neurology’s 68th Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Dr. Sadiq will deliver the highly anticipated news during a session titled “Remyelination and Repair in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Data Blitz Presentations.”
The presentation reveals data from the Phase I trial showing that the novel stem cell treatment was safe and well-tolerated with no serious adverse events reported. What’s more, the cutting-edge protocol of this trial created at Tisch MSRCNY allowed for the delivery of brain-like neural cells within 30 minutes of harvesting, a technique not seen anywhere else in the world.
“Repair and regeneration is possible. We have a patient who no longer needs her cane, one who has transitioned from a motorized scooter to taking steps with a walker and another who has discontinued their bladder medication as those symptoms have dramatically improved. This is the first treatment that improves established disability in patients with progressive MS and shows us there is hope that a future treatment is possible,” stated Dr. Saud A. Sadiq.
Due to these unprecedented results, the FDA has already advised Tisch MSRCNY to begin preparations for Phase II of this important trial to establish efficacy of stem cells as a reparative therapy. This is expected to commence at the end of 2016, once funding is secured.
About Tisch MS Research Center of New York
The mission of the Tisch Multiple Sclerosis Research Center of New York is to conduct groundbreaking medical research to ensure unparalleled care and positive outcomes for MS patients. Its integrated relationship with the International MS Management Practice (IMSMP) accelerates the pace at which research discoveries translate from lab bench to bedside. The Center aims to identify the cause of MS, understand disease mechanisms, optimize therapies, and repair the damage caused by MS while offering patients access to the best and most advanced treatments possible.
Media/Press Inquiries: Pamela Levin, RN 646.557.3891,
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AAN 2016 press release final.pdf