Flu Season and the Vaccine

Many patients call us in the fall to ask about whether or not the flu vaccine is a smart choice for them. Here are some helpful facts about vaccinations: Vaccines are designed to stimulate the immune system. Vaccines can contain either an activated germ, weakened form of the germ or inactivated germ.

When introduced to the body, the harmless germ stimulates the immune system, which then produces antibodies that will effectively attack or kill an intruding germ if exposed to it in the future. Since vaccines produce an immune response, which can potentially cause MS activity, our general advice is to steer clear of vaccinations unless you have a definite indication for one. Clear indications for the flu vaccine are as follows: a person over the age of 65, a person with a significant disability, respiratory or cardiovascular disease, or a person living or working in a medical facility, among others.

In addition, our physicians encourage patients not to get multiple vaccinations at the same time. If you would like to know if getting a vaccination is a safe choice for you, please call the nursing line at (212) 265-8070 so we can discuss this with your physician. Since flu season is upon us, here are some easy and helpful hints to help decrease your risk:

  • Washing your hands is the most effective ways to protect yourself from germs.
  • Avoid close contact with those who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose or eyes.
  • Practice good health habits such as making sure to eat a well-balanced diet, staying hydrated, decreasing stress and getting enough sleep.
News Date : 
Thursday, January 2, 2020 (All day)


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